welcome to my humble abode of a birthday website
from online potion shopping to funny quotes, we've got it all.
your weird questions. (plus my amazing answers.)
Why did you go all out for this present?
I don't have to explain myself to you. Be quiet. I do what I want. (But if you're genuinely wondering, two words: golden birthday.)
Are you going to make a website every year?
Do you think I'm going to spend my entire year every year making a full-fledged website? I love Shailey, but no one's that special to me.
How long did it take to make this?
A little less than 330 days, or so. Yeah, that's right. You better be satisfied with this.
Is this the only present you made?
Oh, if only I was that basic. She's getting a custom memory book and the first book in the All For The Game series.
Can I email you my questions?
You can. I don't know why you would. You'll just get the same answers and I'll be thinking to myself: They're so dumb. I have an FAQ section.
Are you satisfied with the website?
Heck yes I'm satisfied with the website. Why wouldn't I be? This is the product of a year of labor. I think I'd be mentally ill if I was't satisfied with the website.
Who else knows the link to the website?
Besides me, myself, and I? Six other human beans (who are friends with Shailey and whose names I won't disclose) and Shailey herself. At least I hope. I'd find it pretty stalker-ish if anyone else knew the link.
Is it true that you are going to buy a secret getaway island?
If only I was that rich... oh, the things I could have done...
Was making the website fun for you?
You better believe it was fun. I wouldn't spend a year toiling away on a present if it wasn't something I had fun doing.
I've heard rumors about something called One Year Older...
*Maniacal laughing* No comment.
You're gonna be waiting another year for that secret to come out